ZDoom time runs

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In 1993 id Software released the video game Doom. The game was considered so violent by some people, that they wanted the game banned, while others looked at it as being the best game ever (probably for the same reason). Some of us still feel this way about the game, and as ID released the source code some years back, a lot of ports of the classic were made, so that it is now playable with modern computer technology. One of the best of these ports are zdoom (zdoom.org), made by a brave soul named Randy Heit, and it contains a lot of new great features, as well as the spirit of the original game.
Over the years, gamers all over the world has spent hundreds of hours, finding every little secret in every little part of every of the original doom maps, and who doesn't remember cheats as iddqd, idkfa, iddfiddf and idspispopd?
This site, serves as a competition site for those who have played this game way too much, and are able to complete the different maps in no time. More info on how to join are found on the Info/Rules page.

- Another lame site, brought to you by Søren F. Jørgensen <pred@hogl.dk>.