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As you are reading this, you might be thinking something like: "Damn, this site is demoralising and ugly", but let's not discuss aesthetics right now. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE), I will agree.
The problem is the following; This site is validated using a specific set of web standards, commonly acknowledged by most sane webdesigners. By using this one set of generally accepted web standards, every page will automatically look the same in every webbrowser, as long as the webbrowser's rendering engine uses the same standards, of course.
IE doesn't, however, why webdesigners have to take special precautions, if they want their sites to look the same in IE, as in the better browsers. Instead of doing this, I will try to urge the readers of this, to try some of the alternative browsers, that have been made over the years. There's simple no reason, not to.
Most other browsers out there, also has a bunch of other features, that usually come in handy. Such as tab browsing, pop-up blocking, mail-clients, shortcuts, RSS-feeds... the list never ends. And by using IE, you place yourself at a serious risk of getting one of millions different viruses, that all exploit the infinite bugs in IE.
Changing your webbrowser isn't as radical as some people might think it is. It's actually getting more and more normal, and statistics show that IE's popularity is falling, faster and faster each month, so why not join the trend?

Two of the best and most used alternatives are Opera and Mozilla Firefox.

This page, as it looks when rendered with IE
This page, as it looks when rendered pretty much everything else