ZDoom time runs

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First of all: To join the competition and try skills with touching apparently random walls as fast as you can, you need zdoom. ZDoom is open source and can be downloaded for free at http://zdoom.org. You still need to own the original Ultimate Doom IWAD though.
The game works pretty much as the original Doom, and should be rather easy to set up etc.
If you want to upload your score to this site, you will have to create a user, which can be done here. Members of the community site HogL.dk will notice that they are able to transfer their HogL users to this site, which I recommend them to do, as it saves both time for them, as well as server capacity for the HogL crew.

Once you are up and running, and about to upload some fake score, you will notice that you need to upload a demo file for score validation. You do this (in Windows) by creating a shortcut to the game, with the following text:

\ZDoom path\zdoom.exe -recorddemo Demo name -warp episode map -skill skill level +dmflags 65536

For example, if you want to play e2m5 on "Ultra-violence.", and your zdoom.exe is located in C:\Games\zdoom\, write the following in your shortcut:

C:\Games\zdoom\zdoom.exe -recorddemo myrecord -warp 2 5 -skill 4 +dmflags 65536

By doing this, you'll see yourself in e2m5 with the standard hand gun, 100 health and no armor (see the rules in the bottom of this page), and the game will automatically record a demo called myrecord.lmp that will reside inside your zdoom folder. When you don't feel like recording anymore (which is, when you see the screen with the Kills/Items/Secrets), enter your zdoom console and type stop.
To make sure your demo is working all fine you can type playdemo myrecord.lmp or timedemo myrecord.lmp in the console.
You are now ready to upload your demo to this page.

I know the fact, that some versions of demos, are unplayable in other versions of ZDoom. So if you want your stuff validated, use either the recommended version 2.0.63a or the newest version (2.0.96 atm).

Used acronyms

nodiff = No difficulty rules
UV = Ultra-violence.
NM = Nightmare
100s or secret running = 100% secrets
100k or kill running = 100% kills
100sk or complete unning = 100% secrets and 100% kills


Every demo should be recorded with dmflags 65536, which means that nothing needs to be changed except for jumping, which is disallowed. You can change these things in Options or by typing dmflags 65536 in the console. This is also being compensated for, in the shortcut. The only exception of this rule is the -nomonsters (see below).

In the beginning of each map you are only allowed to possess the handgun, 100 health and 0 armor.

No cheats are allowed

In speed runs, you just have to run to the end of the level, watch the stats, and stop the demo.

In secret and kill runs you must obtain 100% secrets and/or kills, before completing the map and stopping the demo.

With no difficulty rules, you often want to run the game without monsters. To do this, type -nomonsters in your game shortcut. The boss maps (e1m8, e2m8, e3m8 and e4m8) as well as episode runs, can't be done without monsters. In these cases, do whatever you want with monsters and skill.

To play UV or NM use -skill 4 or -skill 5.

In the boss maps, your time will be the time, when the episode completion text is shown. Therefore, take down your automap, before you complete the map, as this is the only way to see the time.